Reseller Info


distributor-icon-smallest.jpgImage Management, LLC -- Reselling products -- buying/selling products for purposes of resale

How you can resell our products?

We resell products from a variety of world-class manufacturers and, for some manufacturers, function as distributors/master-resellers for some of the products.

  • We cannot sell certain manufacturers' products to other resellers, according to our own reseller agreements with these manufacturers (especially technology manufacturers such as Olympus, Nuance, Philips/SPS, etc.)
  • We can sell other manufacturers' products for resell and, for some product lines, we also provide service parts.

So, contact us with your specific interest regarding the possible purchase of one or more products for resale and we'll let you know if we are able to help.

How to let us know about your products that you might want us to resell?

If you are a manufacturer/representative of products/services that you would like us to consider reselling, contact us.